At Long Last!
Greetings, readers! I am very happy to announce that Argen's Shadow is finally published! It is available here on Amazon as an e-book or...
A Change for the Better
Lately I have pondered the wisdom of paying for a separate website and blog. I felt it was too draining on my time and money, so I am...
Two Years Gone
October 3, 2018 by Laura Hi, Everyone! It has been two years since my husband passed, and I have not been as diligent in my writing as I...
Hitting The Books Again!
August 27, 2017 by Laura Hey, Everyone! This has been a busy summer for me. I signed up for Master’s courses at UIC, so this fall will be...
How Do We Determine Worth?
February 13, 2017 by Laura Hey, everybody! I apologize for being absent so long. These last six months of endless busywork from my...
Plot Twist!
September 16, 2016 by Laura Dear friends, Plot twists in a book make for good reading, but unexpected situations in real life can ground...
TRIBAL KING, Book Five of my STOLEN HERITAGE series, is NOW AVAILABLE to purchase! August 2, 2016 by Laura IT’S PUBLISHING TIME! WHO...
Happy Spring and Mother's Day!
May 7, 2016 by Laura Hey, Readers! Happy Mother’s Day to all! It is finally spring in the Midwest. This time of year is usually my...
Author Fair Coming Up!
April 8, 2016 by Laura Hey, everybody! This semester is coming to a close; only another month left to go until I graduate! I will be in...
Full Website Is Up!
February 11, 2016 by Laura Hi, Readers! My full website is up at My book lists, schedule of events, and...