A Change for the Better
Lately I have pondered the wisdom of paying for a separate website and blog. I felt it was too draining on my time and money, so I am migrating my website to a new host. The process may take a while, but hopefully it will be a good move for the future. Due to a medical leave from work, changing the actual domain over will take a little longer because of to shortened funds, but we will get there eventually. The old website will remain up for a time with a link to the current, but new content will be added to this site.
Speaking of new content, book six of the Stolen Heritage series is in the final stages of editing and proofing. I hope to have it ready to publish by late November. This will be the conclusion of this series and the segue into the following series Chosen Heritage, which I hope to start publishing next year. In Argen's Shadow we rejoin Aren Dragar to resolve his challenges in the Midlands and go north with him to Argalan for a fresh start in a new empire, hopefully to have a more peaceful life. Given his penchant for finding trouble though, he may as well have stayed behind.
Due to Covid-19 this year, all of my usual venues for getting out into the public were cancelled! But next year I have one hopeful activity occuring, the science fiction/fantasy convention Egocon in Steven's Point, WI on March 27, 2021 at the Holiday Inn. Hopefully our current pandemic situation will improve so this activity can happen as scheduled. Until then, have a happy round of holidays and stay safe!
Good reading,
Laura S. Kearney